Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Cetaceans

A comprehensive book about Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Cetaceans has been published and may be odered from Cambridge University Press. As usual, the book is also available from Amazon.

Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Cetaceans

PAM-Book Cover

Walter Zimmer


ISBN: 9780521193429

112 b/w illus. 15 tables

366 pages

Dimensions: 247 x 174 mm

Weight: 0.86 kg

Publication Date: April 2011

Passive acoustic monitoring is increasingly used by the scientific community to study, survey and census marine mammals, especially cetaceans, many of which are easier to hear than to see. PAM is also used to support efforts to mitigate potential negative effects of human activities such as ship traffic, military and civilian sonar and offshore exploration. I provide an integrated approach to PAM, combining physical principles, discussion of technical tools and application-oriented concepts of operations. Additionally, relevant information and tools necessary to assess existing and future PAM systems are presented, with Matlab code used to generate figures and results so readers can reproduce data and modify code to analyse the impact of changes. This allows the principles to be studied whilst discovering potential difficulties and side effects. Aimed at graduate students and researchers, the book provides all information and tools necessary to gain a comprehensive understanding of this interdisciplinary subject.


• Theory is complemented with Matlab, enabling comparison of mathematical description with real functional code

• Datasets are provided allowing readers to use codes and data to reproduce figures and examples, as well as to implement their own ideas and modifications

• Incremental approach develops theory where needed so data can be manipulated without first having to cover all of the theory

Table of content


Part I. Underwater Acoustics (The Basics):

1. Principles of underwater sound

2. Cetacean sounds

3. Sonar equation

Part II. Signal Processing (Designing the Tools):

4. Detection methods

5. Classification methods

6. Localisation and tracking

Part III. Passive Acoustic Monitoring (Putting It All Together):

7. Applications of PAM

8. Detection functions

9. Simulating sampling strategies

10. PAM systems

11. References and literature



MATLAB® scripts and the data used in the PAM book may be downloaded in the Downloads page.

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